It took me a bit to get over losing a friend like my guy was. I was really hoping that we could move past all the conflict and just be friends. Which is what we should have been all along. Unfortunately that's not how things played out.
Determined not to lose anymore friends I decided that I wasn't going to date, I was going to make my self appear unobtainable or unreachable. Then just as quickly i meet a new person.
I feel a little uneasy about this whole thing. I feel like I've done something wrong. He's already moved on , he says he is in love with her but i still feel bad.
Then on the other hand the fact of the matter is I couldn't give him what he wanted , and he couldn't take that I guess.Inaddtion to the fact that he just didn't want to be my friend so I have to move on too , I can move on too.
That's where the newbie comes in. We met during our second interview , and now we work together. Although I didn't realize initialy ,once we started to actually talk I found out that we went to the same school, now we eat lunch together.
In other words alot has changed since the last time I whined to the world about the misfortunes of a pretty privileged girl and now I can honestly say I might want to actually try to date.
In a turn of events I've been introduced to a all new kind of experience. Newbie may have switched up the game.
You know how girls fantasy bout the guy just leaning in and kissing her. He doesn't ask , he doesn't propose , he just does it. I know I did. Well that's what he did. It was sweet but at the same time old Liah came bearing her teeth and I find myself wanting to squander the flam before I spontaneously combusted.
He gave me my first kiss, and I him . Now what? Do we say here's more or leave it as it is. I know I'm not going to push it, so if he wants to fall he is going to have to pull me down.